Tuesday Contest!

Well hello there! Happy Tuesday to you! I am ultra sore (in an I freaking love it) kind of way from yesterday’s weight workout. Today was a cardio day. Love me some cardio. I started with the a 30 minute HIIT from yesterday and then did the elliptical:

  • 15% incline @ 4.0 (2 minutes), 1 % incline @ 6.5 (2 minutes), 3.5% incline @ 3.5 (1 minute): REPEAT 6 TIMES
  • 30 minutes on the elliptical (I climbed Mount Figi today…hehe)
  • I know sometimes the programs the machines have built-in are kind of cheesy but I like them when it comes to the stairmaster and the elliptical! One hour of cardio, 600 calories later and I am trying to remind myself that bum knee in all this was a good workout. I guess you can force a runner not to run but you can’t take the mindset out of her as easily.

    Do you ever do the built-in programs the machine offer?

    Last night for dinner I made some killer chicken strips! (Thanks to Jessica and Julie for the inspirations) They were so good! I also made cauliflower mashed potatoes and steamed some zucchini. It was quite the meal!


    • 1 cup oats
    • 1/2 tsp. paprika
    • 1/2 tsp. chili powder
    • 1/4 tsp. cumin
    • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
    • 1/4 tsp. pepper
    • 1 pound skinless chicken breast tenders
    • 1/2 cup egg substitute (or 2 eggs, beaten)

    Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

    Mix everything together in a ziploc bag, except eggs and chicken. Beat the eggs and dredge chicken strips in egg mix. Place the eggy chicken tenders in the ziploc bag and shake to coat.

    Place tenders on a baking sheet, sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake for 15 minutes until golden and crispy.

    Serves: 4

    Per Serving: 218 Calories; 2.8g Fat (0.9g saturated fat); 65.7mg Cholesterol; 135.8mg Sodium; 27.2g Carbohydrates; 4.5g Fiber; 0.3g Sugar; 31.9g Protein


    • 1 head of cauliflower, trimmed to florets
    • 1/8 cup unsweetened almond milk
    • salt, pepper, to taste
    • paprika

    Steam Cauliflower until soft. Puree cauliflower, milk, salt and pepper in food processor until creamy.

    Pour into a baking dish and sprinkle with paprika. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees until bubbly.

    Serves: 4

    Per Serving: 52.7 Calories, 0,5g Fat (0.1g saturated fat); 0.0mg Cholesterol; 63.7mg Sodium; 10.9g Carbohydrates; 5.3g Fiber, 0.0g Sugar; 4.2g Protein

    Kelly's Healthy Chicken Tenders

    I loved chicken tenders and mashed potatoes when I was a kid and now I love having a healthy alternative to the fried calorie bombs that usually go with the word: chicken tenders! So this brings me to THE CONTEST! Leave me a comment or email me (Kelly0412@hotmail.com) your favorite healthified recipe. Meaning give me a traditionally unhealthy dish that you have made healthy! Anything is fair game….entrees, side dishes, desserts…whatever you want! Keith and I will go through all of them and decide to make three of them! From those three we will pick a winner. And the winner will get….drum roll please….a copy of my cookbook (that I published last November) PLUS a feature in my upcoming cookbook! I am hoping to have it ready by this coming November (just in time for the holidays) and you will get your own page and short bio. So start sending those recipes in folks! You have until Wednesday (at midnight) to enter! 3, 2, 1….GO! 🙂

    Get those recipes in people…Keith and I are ready to COOK! 🙂

    58 Responses

    1. What a great contest Kelly! I will have to think about this one as I know I have a few! Your recipes look great!

    2. Great contest idea….I’ll have to think….

      I love the oatmeal crusted chicken. I think my hubby would actually like that …usually he wants his chicken with nothing on it. He’s not big on flavor 🙂

    3. Your chicken looks awesome! I’m going with sweet potato chili cheese fries… I love them.

    4. That’s a great idea. I’m going to make that oatmeal-crusted chicken. It sounds so good!

      I’ll have to think about a healthified recipe.

    5. You know, I’ve never used any of the presets on the machines. I just do manual settings and change it myself. Love smashed cauliflower. Happy Tuesday!

    6. YUM! this post has a bunch of recipes, but i really love the Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Scampi and the Turkey/Butternut Squash Chili 🙂

    7. I didn’t know you had a cookbook! WAY COOL. I’m going to look into that!

      The recipes you put on here look so easy. I love those mini meatloafs 🙂 I don’t normally cook so I don’t have any recipes. Seriously. I’m just getting into trying short, easy looking recipes I find on blogs such as yours. OK, so I’ve only tried your recipe and I’m always on the lookout for others 😉 I think I might try this chicken tenders one!

      have an awesome day!

    8. Kelly that’s a GREAT workout!!! Especially with your knee being hurt. It’s hard to do something different. 😉

    9. Yum! although I am not a huge mashed potato fan I love mashed cauliflower. When I make it I sprinkle the cauliflower with garlic powder, roast it in the oven then mash/puree with some cottage cheese. Cheesy and a little bit smoky and garlicky from the roasting–sooooo good!

    10. OOOH I am going to have to think about this one, but I need to get a copy of your cookbook regardless if I win or not!! So amazed by you daily.

    11. Oye! You have challenged me. I know I have some but can’t think of any. I shall brainstorm. 🙂 Thanks.

    12. the only preset workout i do on the treadmill is the interval workout, but i still get bored with it bc i know what’s coming next…that’s no fun. i like to just mess w/ t he machine while i’m on it and make my own workout.

      oooh here’s a good recipe: http://hungrymeetshealthy.blogspot.com/2009/11/avgolemono-i-love-you.html

    13. Oh, you are so chipper! I love that! Dinner looks delicious. I will definitely look through mine and see what I have!

    14. And who’s to say you’re a boring writer. Remember last week you didn’t know what to write about other than running? Well my dear – I never knew you could mix the cauliflower and mashed potatoes like that. Never even thought about doing it that way. I bet it’s tasty too!

      Also? The chicken has my mouth watering, and it’s only 9:30. Oh Emm Geeezzeeee…

    15. I LOVED your “Did you Knows” from last post but not enough time to comment on all I’d want to say :(..!

      What a great recipe. Adore breaded chicken or meat. Great contest too. I already have your cookbook hah!! So I’ll let some other lucky reader “have at it”…I actually dug it out from packed up boxes last night 🙂

    16. I e-mailed you mine! I sure would love to have your cookbook! You’ve got some great looking dinners! Wow that chicken looks delish!

    17. Oh pressures on! I’ll have to figure out if I’ve healthified anything good!

      Those chicken tenders look awesome. I have never made my own, but they have always been my favorite thing to order when I’m out.

    18. That chicken looks amazing! I also do something similar and make mine with almond meal. So very delicious!

    19. I rarely use the programs the machine has… I’m definitely a quickstart kind of gal… lol

    20. your chicken strips look phenomenal! i also love the idea of including a reader’s recipe in your cook book!!! how fun!

    21. What a great idea! I’ll have to put my thinkin’ cap on. 😉 Your chicken strips look fabulous!

    22. I think my pumpkin mac & cheese is my fav “healthified” recipe: http://www.runnerskitchen.com/2008/10/wednesday-october-1-2008/

      I’m definitely a fan of pre-set programs on the elliptical – it helps make the time go by faster!

    23. I LOVE the idea for oatmeal-crusted chicken! And cauliflower mashed potatoes are one of my favorite side dishes!

      I’ll brainstorm for a recipe and get back to you with a link if I come up with something. 🙂

    24. Hmm I’ll have to think about it and get back to you!

    25. Hi Kelly! Just found your blog! Great contest idea – I’ll have to think about it..

    26. Great recipes! I love both of ’em. In fact it’s been way too long since I mashed cauliflower. Thanks for the reminder!

    27. Great meal! I am about to email you 😉

    28. Yum, mashed cauliflower!!

      I already have your cookbook, but I am glad you are linking to it!!! Everyone, GET IT!! My mom wants it, after hearing me talk about it so much. 😀

      I’ll email you my recipe!

    29. I love using the programs! When it’s too hot outside, I’ll use interval workouts on the treadmill or elliptical to get some high-intensity bursts without having to press a million buttons.

      If you like fancy mustard, instead of an egg mixture, dip the chicken into honey or spicy mustard and then in the breading mixture. YUM!

    30. I like to make up my own rather than use the ones on it.

    31. The chicken enchiladas I made lastnight ROCK! Healthy (350 cals for 2) and fairly easy. Jensen loves them, too. I have the recipe if you want it. I actually think I gave it to you back when I made them the first time when I lived in CS. It’s from the Test Kitchen’s Light Recipes cookbook.

    32. Mashed cauliflower is my fav and I don’t ever make it. Must do soon. Love the contest. I’m going to go thru my recipes and find my absolute favorite!

    33. I usually do not do the programs on the elliptical or tread mill, not because I don’t want to but more because I have no patience in putting in all the information needed to get them started. Quick Start please.

    34. I was inspired by Jessica’s chicken strips yesterday, too! Totally going to try them. Ok, so I’ll have to think a sec about the recipe because I don’t cook often. This one’s gonna take a little digging!

      BUT I have a running-related Q for you. About a month ago, I pulled a muscle in my glute. It hurt pretty bad, but after a week or so of doing a lot of yoga and laying low, it felt a lot better. I’ve slowly gotten back into running, and for a while it didn’t hurt, but now I can feel the pain creep back in. It’s not that painful AT ALL, but I’m just worried that it could get worse. (More than anything, it’s just a little uncomfortable.) I’ve been stretching like a maniac the last couple weeks…is it possible that I’ve been stretching TOO much? And maybe tore it again or something? That kind of sounds silly to me, but I can’t think of what else it could be!

      • Can you tell me where exactly it does hurt? Like upper, lower, left, right…be really specific…or just email me: Kelly0412@hotmail.com

        • It’s like at the bottom of my glute towards the left, almost at the top of my leg…like where it connects. Like I said, it doesn’t hurt that much, but it is uncomfortable a little when I run and even when I’m just sitting sometimes…

        • Are you sure it is your glute and not the upper part of the hamstring. Based on the location it does sound muscular so I would just say to listen to your body and go slow. There is such a things as over-stretching (believe it or not) so you don’t have to go over board on it. Do you have a foam roller…those are awesome too and really are good PT on sore and injured muscles.

    35. When I do the stairmill, I use the presets, I like them to kick my arse. That’s usually my cross-training on Monday evenings if I can snag one at the gym.

      I love Caul-mashers. Something new I came up with was using cauli-mashers and cheese mixed with elbow mac for super duper creamy mac and cheese! (I also like garlic and red pepper flakes in my mashers). that’s not my healthified recipie, just another use for cauli-mashers 😉

    36. I gotta say those onion rings from last night. SO good.

    37. Ohh maybe it is my hamstring! No, I don’t have a foam roller at home, but I’ll start using one at the gym. Thanks, Kel!

    38. I think I am in love with this idea of crusted chicken and mashed “potatoes”!!!! And, the real question is – why don’t I own your cookbook?!? You are a total rock star! Um…I don’t think I actually have an original recipe that I lightened up. Crap! Haha

    39. My mom’s taco dip, healthified is AWESOME

      RR: Mom’s taco dip

      I like it on fajitas or rice. With chips are good too though

    40. Oatmeal on chicken? Funky. I would have never thought to put both of them together but am diggin the idea.

      My recipe is easy-avocado mashed cauliflower. I add a splash of half n half and spray butter but get the good fats from the avocado then season with garlic, salt and pepper

    41. […] forget to enter my Cooking Contest. You have until tonight to enter! Keith and I are already torn at what to chose…keep those […]

    42. Oh gosh.

      I know that all food does not need to be “healthified”. But if someone looks to healthify something which is fine…then how about a “taco salad”…

      you have a large salad with all the veggies and greens, black beans, grilled chicken, avocado slices, crushed cashews, olive oil/vinagerette dressing, and then have baked pita triangles (in oven with olive oil) cut into strips and added to the bowl.

      With more guac and salsa 🙂

      ( The pita chips can also be interchangeable with tortilla chips).

    43. Phooey, I was totally planning on posting my lasagna recipe on my website before my wedding, but time has gotten away from me! Soooo, I’ll post it after I get back. It’s a great example of a ‘healthified’ recipe!

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