Running for the Carrot

Here are a few running programs that I recommend for half marathon and marathons. I believe that following a training schedule is extremely important (especially if this is your first one) to allow you to train in a smart way for your race.  I personally followed the beginner’s program for both the half marathon AND full marathon with great results.

I am one of those people who works really well on a schedule. I like having a structured plan and these were easy to follow and helped me stay focused and on the right path to running a smart race! GOOD-LUCK!

 Half Marathon Training Programs

Full Marathon Training Program

Life After a Marathon Program

My Races

Racing Photos

People are always asking me what I think about on my long runs. I don’t really have an answer. Typically my mind NEVER shuts off. I feel like I constantly have about three million things going on inside my head all the time. Running is the only time my mind is quiet. I am at peace and it seems like the outside world just goes away. I think that is why I am so addicted to it…I am not kidding when I say it is my form of yoga. As soon as I stop running (and I mean instantly) my mind starts going again. Are you still with me, or have I completely scared you off?! 🙂 I recently found an article on called, Running Can Be The Glue That Holds Life Together. This completely describes how running makes me feel! Check it out…maybe you can relate or maybe it will make all of us runners seem a little less crazy! haha!

My PR’s (personal records) to Date:

  • 1/2 Marathon: 1:31:56
  • Full Marathon: 3:50:05

15 Responses

  1. Kelly!
    Let me be the first…or, one of the top 10….to say how excited and gratified I am that you have your own website….with such good things on it!! I am thrilled to dive in and read everything…yes, EVERYTHING! Can hardly wait to get the autographed cookbook!!! Just one question….will you continue to speak and/or emai us peons when you become a famous nutrition counselor to the rich and powerful??!!! LOL!! Hope so!!!

  2. I just found your blog and I really love it! I especially love the comparison between running and yoga – totally agree! I’m still new to running and couldn’t agree more!

  3. running is def therapy for me! lol… everything just goes away!!

  4. I agree running makes the buzzing in the head stop or at least unjumble it all!

  5. Hi Kelly!! I love what you said about running!! I can totally relate. I’ve been running for almost my whole life and am totally addicted to it. It never fails to help me get my thoughts in order. So happy to have found your blog! 🙂

  6. Kelly,
    What a great blog. Good to see someone getting after it and logging some serious mileage.
    Bill Bowerman said: Running, one might say, is basically an absurd pastime upon which to be exhausting ourselves.
    But if you can find meaning in the type of running you need to do, chances are, you’ll be able to find meaning in that other absurd pastime – LIFE.

    Happy Running!
    If you ever have questions about running injuries or training check my website and blog.

    Take care, Brad

  7. Ran into Steve B. at lunch today. He told me about your blog. Remember me. I’m the guy you used to make fun of for running so much. The old roommate. Now look at you. This running stuff is addictive. Tell Keith howdy from Dallas. Great Blog!

    • DONNIE!!! Of course I remember you! I am hoping we end up running Boston or NYC together! haha! Can you believe I turned into a marathoner? haha! I will definitely tell Keith you said hi…we need to get together the next time we are in Dallas! 🙂

  8. Thank you so much! I am a newbie runner and have signed up for a half marathon in Oct. I am so happy that I found your plan, because I was kind of lost and everyone that I have talked to said that it should only take me a month. I am very out of shape and knew that I needed more time. I am already at the 3 mile point so I am going to take it from there.

    Thanks from San Antonio!

    • YAY! Please keep me posted and if you ever need anything let me know! You definitely need more than a month. I followed the above half marathon plan before my first half marathon! So I am proof that sticking to the schedule really works! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Which half did you sign up for?

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