Who ARE You?

Happy Friday afternoon!! Keith and I are headed out to the Our Body exhibit (I will definitely give details tomorrow!)so I thought I would leave you with this fun little game I copied from Julie! Enjoy!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Open…but our closet is off our Master Bathroom so it isn’t something I can see from my bed.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

No. I hate those shampoos!! They always make my hair feel rough.

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

IN! Although Keith likes them out…it is a serious problem in our marriage! haha!

4. Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees?

I guess Bees…maybe I could get away and out run them!

5. Do you have freckles?


6. What is your biggest pet peeve?

TRAFFIC!!! I haven’t ever figured out how the highway can just STOP and then one mile later you are going 80mph again. Anyone care to explain?

7. Have you ever peed in the woods?

Yes! We go tent camping at Guadalupe State Park every year and sometimes at 3:00am I am not walking a quarter of a mile to use the bathroom.

8. Do you ever dance if there’s no music playing?

YES! Keith and I do it all the time!

9. Do you chew your pens and pencils?

Yes…gross I know!

10. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

YES! I love it when Keith wears pink…he looks SOOO good!

11. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

Honey. Although Keith thought that was the weirdest thing he had ever seen when we got married. Surely I am not the only one who does that?!

12. What is your favorite food?


13. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Father of the Bride, Waitress, Where The Heart Is, Bluecrush, Deep Blue Sea….I could go on and on!

14. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

No…I dropped out after the “Brownie” phase!

15. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

I would depending on the situation. I wouldn’t do it just to do it but if it was for a cause or a charity I would.

16. Can you change the oil on a car?

No. But Keith can! Every 3,000 miles that boy is under my hood! 🙂

17. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Who hasn’t?

18. Ever ran out of gas?

NO! I am kind of anal about that and always fill up when I get to a 1/4 tank left.

19. Are you lazy?

No. I start to feel anxious if I don’t do enough in a day.

20. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

My best costume was probably a punk rocker! I had this awesome glitter wig and my mom did some crazy makeup on me! Loved it!

21. How many languages can you speak?

Only one…English. Although I wish I could speak Spanish.

22. Who is better…Leno or Letterman?


23. Do you sing in the car?

Absolutely! I belt it out like a rockstar!

24. Ever eat a pierogi?


25. First concert?

I don’t remember! I am not a big concert gal.

There you go…more useless information about ME! haha!


Your Turn

Now it’s your turn…

  1. What is your favorite time of the day?
  2. If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it?
  3. What superhero would you most like to be?

44 Responses

  1. You may be my soul mate. I also dip chicken nuggets in honey, and I dislike concerts – too loud and crowded. I also dropped out after Brownies and had a sparkly wig for Halloween as a punk rocker!!

  2. How fun. Really don’t remember your first concert??? My favorite time of the day is usually 4pm b/c I’m getting off work!! If I noticed the incorrect change right then, I’d give it back. No idea on the superhero though.

    Have fun at the exhibit!

  3. fun! love these little things 🙂

    1. My favorite time of day is dinner time…usually means i get some great food and great company 🙂

    2. I probably wouldn’t say anything if it was a small amount of money (like a quarter), but anything over a dollar i’d probably give back.

    3. No idea about the super-hero thing…She-Ra?

  4. Awesome! Closet doors must be closed for me. Creepy!
    1. What is your favorite time of the day? Mid-day runs!
    2. If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it? Never! I was a cashier at one point in my life. I know what happens when you’re short!
    3. What superhero would you most like to be? Batman rules!

  5. 1. During the week, I love my early, quiet mornings to myself- a run, to work early, ahhh. But on the weekends, I love evenings since it usually means a fun dinner or friends!

    2. I would feel way too guilty to keep it! Plus, if you’ve ever worked as a cashier and come up short… BAD news! Wouldn’t want anyone to deal with an angry boss.

    3. No clue!

    PS- Try a peirogi!! Yummmm!

  6. 1. early mornings.

    2. hmmmm. that’s tough! give it to the boss.

    3. gambit.

  7. I love the morning! thats my favorite time! OR around 6pm on a summer evening when its still sunny and warm out, but just about when the sun is going to set!!

    if it was a LARGE amount of money, sure I woul say something but anything less than 5 bucks…its mine 😉

    first concert? TLC!

  8. I thought dipping chicken nuggets in honey was a childhood rite of passage?! !!

  9. Ooh, fun survey! Traffic is my biggest pet peeve too. Ugh!
    1. Fave time of day..mid morning on the weekends, and around 8:00 on weeknights.
    2. I don’t actually count out the change. I just grab it..oops hehe
    3. Not sure….Wonder Woman?

  10. 1. Morning, just after my run.
    2. Probably not if it was a small amount.
    3. No idea…

  11. 1. I love mornings after I am up and awake, especially on a warm, sunny day!
    2. If I actually noticed, which I probably wouldn’t at least till I got home, I would give it back (assuming the checkout clerk was nice to me:)).
    3.Ahh…maybe Underdog b/c I like dogs so much.

    I love the sheets tucked in tight and my husband rips them off the bed. What’s with these men?!?

  12. Chicken nuggets in honey sounds awesome! I mean people dip them in honey mustard all the time, so it’s not that strange!!

    Oh, and as for who hasn’t gotten a speeding ticket… ME! haha!! I really need to knock on some wood now!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    1. On weekdays it’s evenings when Andrew gets home from work. On weekends it’s mid-morning when I’m feeling rested and happy that it’s the weekend!! 🙂
    2. I probably wouldn’t notice if they gave me the wrong amount of change, I’m not very good about checking things like that, oopsies!!
    3. Not sure what super hero I’d be… but I’d like super hero powers that help me read minds!!

  13. 1. Mornings, I like the feeling of starting a new day.

    2. I would keep it 🙂

    3. Pippi Longstocking

  14. I think dipping chicken nuggets in honey is good…Mcdonalds gave out honey, I remember eating that as a kid!

    # What is your favorite time of the day? Morning
    # If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it? I probably would
    # What superhero would you most like to be: Hm, no clue!

  15. 1.What is your favorite time of the day?
    8pm (this is the kids bed time, my time to relax)

    2.If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it?
    Not if I noticed …I probably wouldn’t even notice something like that b/c I always have 3 little distractions.

    3.What superhero would you most like to be?
    Superman although I’m clearly not a man…I love Clark Kent!

  16. Chicken nuggets + honey = deliciousness! Honey mustard is good as well. And my favorite time of the day is morning… because I love breakfast!

  17. I have a theory on #6 – there is one person, and it is usually the same person, who starts the bad traffic off each and every day because he/she decides to exit the freeway at the last minute and is in the left lane and has to cross all the way over. People have to stop for him/her and thus, instant traffic jam that carries over to the rest of the day.

  18. 1. My favorite time of day is coffee time with my husband! I look forward to it the night before!

    2. I would give it back if I noticed it while I was there. If it is a little bit, and I was long gone…I would not go back.

    3. Wonder Woman!

  19. I need to do this game! I love these things for some reason.

    1. My favorite time of day is morning.
    2. I would give the money back, though I have to say I would probably consider not
    3. Super Hero? Um, Batman. As Jack Nocholson put it when he played The Joker “Where does he get all those wonderful toys?” I like the toys 🙂

  20. good questionnaire! I enjoyed it

  21. I love honey and hate concerts, too!

    LOL at 3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

    IN! Although Keith likes them out…it is a serious problem in our marriage! haha!

    We have the SAME ISSUE!!

    1. What is your favorite time of the day? MORNING!
    2. If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it? Probably not.
    3. What superhero would you most like to be? Spider Man!!

  22. Love these.

    1. Im an afternoon kind of girl. Mornings suck, and I get tired by like 8pm. So yah. Afternoon.
    2. If it was a big amount absolutely. I worked at a bank, I know the kind of trouble missing cash can cause. But if it was like 25 cents, and I didnt notice right that second, no I wouldnt bother.
    3. I would LOVE to be Catwoman because shes just so cool. Plus, I wanna rock the cat suit.

  23. lol I meant absolutely I would give the money back – not keep it!

  24. 1. Morning.
    2. I rarely pay with cash and when I do, I just pocket the change so I wouldn’t even notice.
    3. She-Ra.

    I dropped out after brownies too! I hated the

  25. 5:00 pm!
    It depends on the amount. I probably wouldn’t notice to tell the truth.
    I have no idea what superhero. Captain Planet?

    I dropped out of brownies too. I wanted to be in the Computer Club and the meetings were at the same time. (Nerd alert)

  26. OhmyGod – I HATE traffic…seriously sitting for 1-2 hours straight – when the vehicle is NOT moving is NOT cool at all….ugh.

    LOVE this! …I like Leno better though ;)…more relatable…

    1)Honestly – who knows?
    2) I probably wouldn’t notice…or say anything – unless it was a BIG amount…I’d feel bad 😦
    How about you Kell?
    3) …Um…does that kick-ass redhead from The Incredibles count?? 😉

  27. 1.Early, quiet, peaceful morning
    2.If I recognized it then, no
    3.Anyone that could fly!

  28. Have fun that the Bodies exhibit…if it’s the same one that used to be in Philadelphia I saw it and it was so so interesting. My favorite time of day is the morning. I am def a morning person and just enjoy it! If I realized and it was a small amount I dont’ think I’d say anything, but if it was a big amount I would.

  29. 1. What is your favorite time of the day?
    I’m a big fan of 10 a.m. Otherwise known as snack time.

    2. If someone at the checkout line gave you the wrong amount of change in YOUR favor would you keep it?
    Has happened, and I gave it back. 🙂

    3. What superhero would you most like to be?
    Oddly enough I’d say Bubbles, the blue Powerpuff girl. I actually did a figure skating trio in high school where each one of us was a different Powerpuff girl and, being blonde, I was the blue one.


  30. I was a punkrocker once too!

  31. Waitress is SUCH a cute movie. Loved it.


  32. 1. mornings!
    2. probably not. catholic guilt 🙂
    3. the powder puffgirls. do they count as super heros?

  33. […] I eat my lunch, I thought I’d play along with Kelly’s game. Time for you to learn more useless information about me than you ever wanted to know. […]

  34. OH I totally dipped my chicken nuggets in honey when I was a kid! You aren’t the only one!

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