Mid-Week Blues

Hello world…it is Wednesday! As you all know, traditionally Wednesdays are my LEAST favorite day of the week but today I am determined to change that mindset! Keith calls it “stinkin thinkin” and I am not going to engage in it today! No way, not me, not today! Besides a mood is mental right…so bring it on Wednesday I am taking you on!!! 🙂  

Is That All You Got?

I am really good sore from my run and body pump yesterday! Love that “Hello Triceps” feeling! But as you know, when you are sore the best thing to do is keep moving! Thus I had a great 9 miler (8:20 pace) this morning followed by 10 minutes on the elliptical. Now I am sweaty, happy and smelling the coffee brewing. Ah coffee…why must you smell so amazing?!  

Dinner last night was (gasp) a total repeat! Do you ever do that? You eat something so yummy that you want it again the next night?! Well that was me…I did the cheesy tomato omelet with cantaloupe again. To see the picture (again)  just jump back to yesterday’s morning post (here) and there it is…in all its simple goodness!! I did make Keith gluten-free spaghetti with turkey meatballs! He was happy! 🙂  

How is that for a man meal??

Speaking of Keith…don’t forget today is Work It Out Wednesday and he will be posting this afternoon on Kettlebells! To see what you missed last Wednesday, go here!  

So let’s talk fruit! Did you know that eating fruit helps protect your eyesight?? Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.  Cool huh?

 What is your favorite fruit?   

When it comes to fruit I don’t discriminate but lately I have been craving the heck out of bananas!!

51 Responses

  1. Honey Crisp apples are my favorite, and I also love bananas. Oh! Totally can’t wait for summer fruits like melon either!

  2. I really like “tropical” fruit- mangoes and pineapples!!

  3. I don’t know if I could pick a favorite fruit because I love them all! Probably grapefruit tho. 🙂

  4. I love berries! I have a love/hate relationship with bananas. Right now I love them with a big cold glass of milk, but in a few weeks I’ll be over it. My favorite thing is to freeze blueberries and add them to cold cereal like plain corn flakes or to my favorite throw-back KIX!

  5. I’m with Jessica, I dont think I could pick a favorite fruit. Mine is between apples (don’t even think about making me choose what kind!! haha), bananas, or raisins/dates/grapes (yes, I’m counting that as one).

    Tuesdays are my least favorite day because it’s ike your 19th birthday, nothing exciting happens. haha

  6. I”m on a banana “kick” now too! LOVE them! I also have issues with Wednesdays so I”m keeping a list of all the good things that happen to me today. Then, I’ll share them with my boyfriend tonight because he’s going through a tough time. Hopefully, I can help him excape his funk.

  7. lol i love that: stinkin’ thinkin’. 🙂 so cute!

    my favorite fruit is either a crisp, cool apple or super juicy watermelon. so delicious!

  8. the question should be what fruit DONT I like b/c I seriously love them all…except grapefruit 🙂

  9. Oh wow… you’re really going to be thrown off at this one. I really do not like fruit. Like… at all.

    Except avocados and random coconutty things.

    That puts me into a whole new level of weird, I know.

    And apparently, I’ll be losing my sight quicker than everyone else! Dang…

  10. I’m an apple girl, but I never seem to want fruit. I always want veggies instead. After I eat fruit, I’m hungrier. Whaaa?

    TCL has been known to say “stinkin’ thinkin’ ” in his Foghorn Leghorn fake accent. 😉

    The soreness thing? So true.

    • Yeah…if I eat fruit by itself I am always hungry in like 30 minutes. I HAVE to pair with either a protein or a healthy fat (like PB or nuts).

      Okay…I am loving the “stinkin thinkin” in Foghorn Leghorn’s accent…that was my FAVORITE Looney Tune as a kid! I even had a Foghorn Leghorn stuffed animal! haha! 🙂

  11. I am not a fruit fan, I know I should eat more fruit, but the only thing I really like is those big navel oranges. I hate bananas, can’t stand the smell of them, unless they are covered in chocolate 🙂

  12. I’d have to say canteloupe or blueberries, yum!!

  13. I have repeat meals less now that I have the blog, because I feel the pressure to produce something new and interesting…but some meals are so good, you just gotta have them again!

    Have a great day, Kelly!

  14. I like blueberries and strawberries, but hate raspberries.

  15. Probably the apple. It’s just so portable. AND amazingly filling. A great snack for between meals when your tummy is grumbling.

    Way to go on your intense workouts! You’re a beast!

  16. what. why do i have to keep getting new glasses prescriptions then? i am a total fruit fanatic! jk i know that’s diff than macular degeneration. even if it didn’t do a healthy thing for me i’d still chomp on fruit nonstop, it’s so good! my favorites depend on the season…right now it’s apples, soon it will be strawberries, then white nectarines/peaches, then persimmons!

  17. 100 percent, Macoun apples. They’re so crispy and slightly sour. The bad thing is that it’s harder to find them down in VA than up in MA where I grew up. And they’re only around for a month or two during apple season. They are so much better than the stuff we have in grocery stores now.

    • Oh, I love Macoun apples too – but I can’t get them here in TX – or at least not ones that taste good (like the ones I used to eat in NY!) They are a real treat!!

  18. What brand of gluten-free spaghetti do you use? Since being GF, the best spaghetti I’ve found is spaghetti squash LOL

  19. Oh, I can’t pick a favorite fruit! But I do eat a LOT of bananas and apples…

    That spaghetti looks amazing! I really shouldn’t read food blogs before breakfast– I’m so hungry now! 😉

  20. I love Wednesdays – I just think that – there’s only two more days until the weekend …even though there are really three.. 🙂 …oh and I’m all about the repeat – if I like something, I need to eat it again. And maybe again 🙂

  21. Last night my dinner was a repeat of Monday. I even brought some for lunch today. It was that good!

    I couldnt ever pick my favorite fruit. Theres just too much yummy goodness in that category!

  22. peaches in the summer are the BEST THING EVER. can’t wait for all the glorious summer fruits to be in season!

    – Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com

  23. Oh i dont know if I can just pick one favorite. Hmm… bananas are awesome and you can do so much with them. They are pretty high up on my list 🙂

  24. I eat the begeezus out of some apples and bananas! I think mango is my favorite though…

  25. I was about to say I love all fruits.. but then I realized I don’t eat apples.. I juice them. They make me super hungry after I am done eating it. Don’t know why!?

  26. Tuesdays are my “bad” days.

    Lots of bad things happen on tuesday

    levees broke in Katrina

    So, I’ve been really trying to break my own superstition about Tuesday. I’m trying REALLY hard. Yesterday was not so bad.

    Fav. fruit–oranges!!!!

  27. I love all fruit – but if i had to pick, I would say berries – raspberries and blackberries specifically. I agree with Nutritious Foodie, apples alone make me hungry. I read in a book that they don’t have something in them (can’t remember what its called) that tells your stomach to tell your brain you are full. So, I eat mine with peanut butter and that helps.

  28. I’m a banana girl…even though I hate that they have to be shipped from columbia and panama and costa rica to get here.

    Also, I’m a pink lady apple gal.

    And, I always think of wednesday as like miles 16-20 of a marathon…you just got to hang on, and it’s almost over. If you just keep moving it’s not so bad 🙂

  29. I like strawberries and bluberries. Also a nice juicy grapefruit mmm…

  30. I don’t think I’ve met a fruit I don’t like, though I like some better than others. I’ve been known to finish off a 5 lb watermelon in two days. Alone. Melons, any and all berries, bananas, oranges, dates, peaches, mangoes, pineapple…seriously, put a fruit salad in front of me in summer and I am a happy girl.

  31. Holy meatballs!! YUM…no offense, but I’ll take Keith’s over the omelet ;)…haha – I have been craving those lately…yeah – I LOVE all fruit – bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, honeydew melon, PINEAPPLE, GRAPES….aghhhhh – clearly I am a sugar addict 😉

  32. Since I have really increased my mileage running, I too have been just loving bananas. This is strange because I used to hate bananas. My body is needing something, so I am just rollin with it! Other than that, we are a apples and berry type of group here!

  33. I’ve always thought I was a big fruit eater but since starting the blog ive realized that im really not!! I don’t even know that I love it so much. I love grapes, bananas, pineapples and usually apples. So not into berries which is such a bummer!!!!

    Honestly, your workout energy amazes me everyday. Wow.

  34. Fuji apples are my favorite fruit EVER!! 🙂

  35. I love pretty much every fruit, but I eat apples and bananas almost daily. Lately, I’m into grapefruit. I think the color makes me happy in the dead of winter!

  36. I like a lot of fruit but I think my absolute favorite are blueberries. I like bananas and apples a lot too.

  37. I repeat meals because I’m lazy in the kitchen. 🙂
    I’m not a huge fruit person. But if I had to choose my top faves, it would be bananas, grapefruit, and Honeycrisp apples.

  38. Pink lady apples are my faaaaavorite things in the world!!
    I love that you decided to be more positive even though you don’t naturally feel so hot on Wednesdays! Sometimes you can just choose to change your mood. Good for you!!

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