Cinnamon & Honey

Hey guys…okay operation hair highlight was a success! It isn’t drastically different…just a tad lighter. Just what I wanted. It is hard to show in the pictures but it is definitely lighter…sorry it isn’t really coming through! 😦


Okay moving on…look at this information I found on cinnamon and honey: two of my favorite things!

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also, those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use
of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada , various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose
their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University , it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.

Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.

Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.

Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.

According to the studies done in India and Japan , it is revealed that if Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.

Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.

Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible.

People of South America , first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

Are you a believer in natural remedies?

57 Responses

  1. As soon as I saw pimples, i jumped right to it! I never would have guessed honey and cinnamon paste would cute that!

  2. oh my gosh, your hair is SO CUTE!!! it’s so natural and gorgeous 🙂 i would say i’m a believer in home remedies, but to be quite honest i don’t ever use them unless it’s convenient.

  3. Man, who knew?!?

  4. more reasons to eat cinnamon and honey, cannot go wrong i guess.
    hard to say really – i guess some remedies have success, but i try to not think about it too much! i tend to have indigestion, gas, etc…no matter what!!

  5. Oh wow, clearly I need more cinnamon in my life!

  6. I love holistic healing. Warm salt water does wonders for a sore throat! And a little warm bourbon with honey is good for a cough.

  7. Your hair looks great!! Love it!! 🙂

    I may have to try that cinnamon and honey paste!! My face gets out of control during that time of the month!! (TMI, sorry!) 😉 I already have plans to do a homemade facial mask that I saw on Gelareh’s blog earlier this week!! I’ll have to follow it up with some cinn/honey pasate! 🙂

  8. haha, made up a new word apparently, pasate, sounds much fancier than “paste,” no? 😉

  9. I am SO a believer in natural remedies, I’m going to see if I can get my husband to do the one for arthritis. He doesn’t have it yet, but his joints are always bothering him and his dad has rheumatoid arthritis..maybe it will prevent it!

  10. Thank you for all of the great information on honey and cinnamon! How much honey do you usually consume a day or in a week?

  11. ps: I LOVE your hair!! 🙂

    • Thanks! Keith and I are big honey lovahs!! We usually add spoonsful here and there…smoothies, cereal, oats, greek yogurt, and in baking. I love honey! I don’t really know how much we go through because we buy the BIG bottle from Costco…and even for honey lovers like us it takes a while to through something that huge! But since honey never spoils we don’t worry! 🙂

  12. wow, cinnamon is quite popular!

  13. Love the hair!

    Yes, I do believe in natural remedies…or at least I hope they work because that is how I am trying to heal myself- naturally.
    And I love cinnamon! I knew it was good for stabilizing blood sugar but thanks for all that extra info

  14. Love the hair Doll!!!
    I think I want to go lighter too 🙂

    I love both cinnamon and honey so I love this post! I use a honey and cinny mask all the time and it helps so much 😉


  15. I love the hair color!!! And hmmm what interesting tidbits. I do think natural remedies can do wonders.

  16. I also just heard that if you eat honey that is produced in your local area, it helps with fighting allergies. I’m giving it a shot!

    • It is supposed to! We eat local honey too and I really think it helps! Especially for my hubby because he isn’t from Austin.

  17. Wow, go honey! I love it! I learned a lot in this post. Glad I looooove honey a lot!

    P.S. LOVE your hair! It’s definitely the summer tone now! 😉

  18. CUTE!! Love the highlights!

  19. I love both cinnamon and honey. Never thought they could be used for so many amazing things! All I knew is that cinnamon is good for lowering blood sugar. I love when I learn something new!

    Your highlights look fabulous. But you are blessed with good hair so even if you dyed it purple I would still be jealous. 🙂

    Thank you for your kind words by the way! So glad you get my humor…not everyone does!

  20. I have horrible pregnancy-related acne! I can’t use salicylic acid now, so I will try the honey and cinnamon remedy. I wonder how you wake up without honey all over the pillow?!

  21. It looks shiny that’s for sure. I can’t ever get a good picture of my new hair styles either. I believe in at least giving natural remedies a shot.

  22. Great color for the summer. Yeah, give the remedies a shot…although I’d probably rather eat my honey or milk or yogurt than paste it on my face or my hair…

  23. Aw, your hair looks good! I can tell! I am a true believer in the healing power of foods! I always love learning more about foods and what they do for you! Besides, could you really go wrong with cinnamon and honey?

  24. Those were some interesting facts! I knew that cinnamon was good for your heart but I didn’t know about honey 😀

  25. Cinnamon is also GREAT for diabetics! I use it often.

    Love your hair! You can see a difference and it’s perfect for a Texas summer!

    If I highlighted my red, I swear Bozo the clown would show up and demand royalties. I’m envious of highlights!

  26. Love the hair! I can see it, but can’t wait to see it in person tomorrow.

  27. Oooh, you look so pretty! Mia is a genius, the color looks awesome on you!! Yay!!!

    I totally believe in natural remedies. 🙂

  28. oh! I forgot to add this!

    Honey is metabolized at a slower rate than table sugar so it can benefit some diabetics as well. I also use this stuff called “Honey Stingers” for long runs. Instead of gels, I use this and it’s amazing how much of an edge it gives me.

  29. I can totally tell in your hair and love it, girlfriend!! I’m not sure I believe in “natural remedies” (sounds like I don’t believe in modern medicine) but I do believe eating whole, natural foods benefits the body in so many ways. And I agree – cinnamon and honey are rock stars! I like the idea of putting both on toast. Who knew?!?

  30. Oh it looks so cute! I like the highlights a lot!! I like cinnamon in my coffee. so good!

  31. My dad is brittle diabetic and uses cinnamon to keep his blood sugar stable…who knew it had soo many benefits?! Good thing I love it! Thanks for the great info!

  32. Your hair looks great!

  33. Gas, check. Pimples, check. Man, I need some cinnamon and honey in my LIFE!!!

  34. LOVE your hair! Looks great on you!

    As for the honey…is that raw honey or regular honey? I’ve heard once it’s pasteurized, it loses all of it’s healing qualities.

  35. Your hair looks great! Peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon is one of my very favorite sandwiches!

  36. I usually don’t believe natural remedies, but the longer I go with my knee pain I’ll try anything. I just hope you meant osteoarthritis with the honey and cinnamon, not RA. I’ll definitely try that!

  37. I thought that “cinnamon and honey” was in reference to your new hair color . . .

    I would love natural remedies, unfortunately, I don’t like cinnamon.

  38. Love the hair! I am definitely a believer in natural remedies & I also love cinnamon and raw honey smeared on just about anything!
    Ever had foot reflexology done? It’s awesome!

  39. Good to know because cinnamon and honey go on almost everything I eat! I’ve also used honey as a face mask, and take honey by the spoonful if I get a sore throat. It works better than any over the counter medicine I’ve tried!
    So I’m headed to Austin this weekend for the Cap10k!!! I’m nervous but excited. The last two weeks I actually thought I wasn’t going to be able to go because of a course that was only being given this weekend I had to take, but they canceled it yesterday because not enough people signed up. So while I”ve still been running, I haven’t been sticking to training schedule quite as strictly and definitely have not gotten in longer runs. EEEEk :X
    But it will all be ok and most importantly, I’ll have fun. I’d love to meet up if you’ll be around. I really want to find out more about the health expo on Sunday if you’re interested in going!
    Send me an email or message and maybe we can get in touch!

  40. wow! Who knew that honey and cinnamon were such super heroes!!!

    Your hair looks great 🙂

  41. I love love love your hair!!

    I was, no joke, eating a spoonful of honey as I read this post. It’s my favorite after dinner treat. I may have to try this cinnamon honey paste.

  42. I love your hair!!

    I knew cinnamon was really good for you, but I love hearing what things do for you. Its so fascinating.
    I’m all about natural remedies. I would far rather use them than load up on chemicals.

  43. Wow, I never heard of honey and cinnamon helping pimples, but I have heard that honey is great for healing. This is a great list! I’m studying Traditional Chinese Medicine this summer, so I’m looking forward to leaning more about natural healing.

    I love the new hair highlights – very cute! 🙂

  44. […] Look out backyard…here I come!! Oh and THANK YOU to everyone for the sweet comments about my hair yesterday! You guys […]

  45. Love the hair and love you! You’re so adorable!

  46. Love the hear, my darling friend. 😀

  47. I’m definitely a believer in natural remedies. I eat SO much cinnamon and think that it has helped ward of sickness. I’ve literally had 1-2 colds in the past 1.5yrs. I have read SO many good things about it…so many spices have tons of healing properties and anti-inflammatory..immune boosting. It’s so interesting to me!

  48. I don’t understand the South American comment that’s quite racist… only people from SA have bad breath?

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